Reality does bite.. and believe me it has a full set of teeth

This post was started a few times but due to lack of time and there only being 1 of me.. I couldn't seem to get it finished

So since we last spoke life has been a little hectic.

I finally found a Lab that could test my products and have results back in a reasonable amount of time so I set to work getting my samples ready.  Now doesn't that sound simple.... you'd think so.... but NO it wasn't.

Lets be realistic about this.

I have rugrats so that is always a stumbling block..

Working from home was never going to be a walk in the park.

Initial Cleandown done.
All set up and ready to go.
Kids distracted - tv and computer games.

Baby does a Poo...........................

Everything has to stop.    

Don't be under any illusions.. I'm not here to dress up the 'working from home scenario'.
How wonderful it is, I can spend time with my kids AND ever so slowly build a multi-million business.
It should only take 420 years Approx.
Anyway.. I got the samples done and thank you to the wonderful people at CLS labs for taking on the arduous task that is Kookee.

But then the real work started.

Somehow I managed to write 
A 34 page HACCP.
20 recipes finally written up per kg and saved (for future generations)
Business Plan finally complete thanks to
Project plan all highlighted and looking pretty (wonderful feeling ticking things off)

Still have to complete my New Customer Forms and my Priming Grant Form

So not time for a holiday as yet.

Meanwhile..............................back at the ranch

House is upside down.. really need a cleaner
Clothes Mountain is slowly taking over

And 1 week into the summer holidays and both boys have broken their tablets.  What a great summer it's going to be.  
 (bearing in mind this is the 3rd item of technology that the ASPI one has broken)

So I had a brainwave.... what if I take part in undercover boss in my own company
Give myself a pay rise
A new home
A new Car
And clear all my bills

That's enough from me.  Have to keep the momentum going or I'll fall over. 
Think I might bake something...............